Posts Tagged ‘Staying True’

It’s January 4 — first Friday of 2013 — and God has already warned me of my idolatrous tendencies (or habits).

Listen to the Bible from 1 Kings 11:1-13

Solomon’s Wives

11 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.10 Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command.11 So the Lord said to Solomon, “Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. 12 Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son. 13 Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”

Solomon was the wisest man EVER, the Bible says so, and yet he wasn’t immune to his own humanity. Idolatry is such  a big word, no saint would wanna be labeled “idolatrous.” Yet, the smallest acts, desires, and emotional whims that we do, long for, and cherish embody the word “idolatry” fully.

I hate to admit it, and I hate to confront it even more, but I am probably the most idolatrous person I know. God knows that, and I guess that’s why early this year He’s already cautioning me about it.

That’s the hardest part. I already know it. Like Solomon, I also know of what God wants for me — not totally, but I know the generals well enough. I know of the commandment that says: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3) I know myself well enough to know which things I do are undeniably idolatrous. And like Solomon, I have talked about holding on to God’s commands.

He exclaims this in the presence of his people in 1 Kings 8: 56-61 and says,

56 “Praise be to the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel just as He promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises He gave through His servant Moses.57 May the Lord our God be with us as He was with our ancestors; may He never leave us nor forsake us. 58 May He turn our hearts to Him, to walk in obedience to Him and keep the commands, decrees and laws He gave our ancestors.59 And may these words of mine, which I have prayed before the Lord, be near to the Lord our God day and night, that He may uphold the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel according to each day’s need, 60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other.61 And may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by His decrees and obey His commands, as at this time.

I’m afraid of how the future might be for me. I really am. Though I should not be, I have to admit I am. I may not be as wise as Solomon, but I am wise enough to see what He wants of me — an undivided heart. I am afraid that like Solomon, despite knowing these, I would still go my way and break His heart.

It makes me wanna put a different spin on the statement “He that is in me, is greater than he that is in the world.” Right now? I’m convicted to declare…

He that is in me is greater than he THAT IS ME.

I am my worst enemy. I bet a lot of you saints out there feel the same way. It’s not that the enemy’s lies are powerful, it’s not that they have power over us beyond what we can deal with — it’s that we have decided to listen to and cherish those lies.

The spirit is willing but the body in indeed weak. YET in all these? We have to remind ourselves that WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US .(Rom. 8:37)

By the cross, by Christ’s sacrifice, by His power, by His love, and ultimately by His grace — WE CAN OVERCOME.

I urge you saints to admit your idolatrous ways. Search within and see where you are weakest. AND COMMIT YOURSELF TO PRAYER. We have no power aside from that which is ours through Christ — and we need to tap into that power EVERY MOMENT of our lives. Do not underestimate the power of prayer, and do not discount the need for total humility and submission. In prayer, we surrender ourselves and submit to His power and call for His will to be done.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no position to say I have totally overcome myself. Nor am I in any way better than any of you — remember, I am the prodigal saint, I have a wandering heart that strays way too often. I am talking to you as a brother who cautions and reminds you of what I have been reminded so that together we will overcome.

I guess what I’m trying to say is:

1) Idolatry is a serious issue we better deal with NOW.

2) I am battling it, and I need your prayer and support. 

Honestly, I am thankful for the reminder. Very early in the year God has already cautioned me. I pray that I can hold fast to this reminder though. I pray that His mercy and grace be ever with me as I battle it out with myself.

Just remember, saints, it’s not about being religious and ritually righteous. It’s about having a heart that seeks to love and build a relationship with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save us who were lost.

Wow. 2012 is over in about 39 minutes! I’m cramming — yet again — to have this post filed under Dec 2012.

I haven’t had any time to do anything lately — Surprise. Surprise. Procrastination is still getting the best of me.

I’m really stumped right now, as far as writing goes. So, I’m going back to one of the most important reasons why I actually started this blog: to keep up a community of Saints.

If you’re reading this, then God has made it so that you are someone I am to share my life with 🙂

Here goes.

A community of Saints should keep each other accountable in prayer, so I’m dumping my prayer list on to YOU! 🙂

(For the most part? It’s just an update of how 2012 was… and what 2013 has in-store for me. :P)

2012 was quite a handful, and here’s why.

1) We (me and my loving family) have finally gone through a FULL year in Canada — January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012! By His awesome grace, WE SURVIVED!

2) I’m finishing my Associates REAL soon!

3) I got blessed with a job!

4) Still haven’t gotten over laziness and procrastination — did not get to keep up regular posts, did not get to keep up regular quiet time, and have not been as efficient in a lot of things.

5) Getting settled in also includes a LOT of drama.

Oddly, my mind’s really blank. K. I’m blaming being sick for my incoherence. haha.

2012 was a crazy roller coaster for me, ups and downs for EVERYTHING — from my grades, to my consistency with God. In all that though, He remained faithful.

You know how you can’t really point out a lot of instances where your parents were there for you? And yet you wake up every morning and just know that they are? SAME HERE. This saint is having a hard time recalling all the times that God has seen me through throughout 2012. Yet I get this warmth in me just trying to! I just know He’s there. It’s like you rarely feel exhilarated when you breathe, right? It’s cuz oxygen is constantly around you.

Words fail me. YET AGAIN.

I guess this is why sharing (and posting in a blog like this) cannot be procrastinated so much. I remember so many times that I have a TON of things to write about, but I ignored them. Now, I’m trying to make up for all of them — and, I can’t.

It sucks.

It’s annoying to realize that I’ve robbed God of His glory way too many times this year. He’s given me so many chances to write about His amazing Grace, and there I was being lazy.

Lesson learned for 2013: PUT MORE FOCUS ON GOD.

I guess that’s just how I’ll try to be better for the next year (which comes in 20 minutes!).


When my emotions are all over the place … think of how Jesus can calm every storm.

When the sheer thought of the amount of work paralyzes me … think of what I can do through Christ who strengthens me.

When I become unsure of how I am with people … think of how He sees them and how we’re all connected by His cross.

When I feel lazy to blog … think of how His glory and His works are not being proclaimed.

When I feel neglected and alone … think of how He’s always there.

When I feel unappreciated and ignored … think of how He loves me so and that I am His beloved.

When my world is upside down … think of how I am not of this world.

When I’m filled with glee and bliss … think of how all this is His blessing.

When I feel like going with the world … think of how much He’s suffered to take me back into His presence.

When I feel hurt … think of how His love should comfort me and how His love should flow through me.

When temptation haunts me … think of how I am already victorious by virtue of His blood.

When I feel inadequate … think of how I am fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image.

When everything’s just going wrong … think of how His plans for me are to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.

I can go on forever with this, and I’m sure YOU could too.

9 minutes till 2013

I pray that I will have this saintly thinking practiced more in the days to come.

I pray that YOU too will keep these in mind.

The new year is not really that big of a deal. As SAINTS, we have to be renewed DAILY and be more like Christ, our Savior and Lord, EVERYDAY.

A blessed New Year to all you Saints out there!


If anything, I believe I’ve mastered the art of procrastination and cramming — if not mastered, then at least I’ve gotten used to them. And I realized, there’s one thing I can’t cram no matter how much I put it off: my relationship with God.

The world is moving so fast — too fast, in fact — and I guess I just got caught up in the flow. With so many things happening, it’s not so hard to say: “Hey, I’m tired, too stressed and overwhelmed with a lot of things. Let’s work tomorrow instead.” It’s so easy to put off things until they can’t be put off anymore and work under extreme pressure and TADA pass with flying colors.

After doing that for years? It’s kind of hard to recognize any other way of doing things — I seriously do not know how to study weeks before an exam, nor work on a research paper months before the due date.

Sadly, I have to admit, it has affected how I am with God, too.

I’ve always had this lie filling me up saying,

“You wanna draw near to God? You wanna know more about Him? You wanna spend time with Him? Well, it’s past 12pm already. You don’t want to just spend half a day with God, right? Just go on YouTube, Facebook, and 9gag. Then wake up early tomorrow so you save the best for God — a whole day of nothing but communion with God!”

Since school ended about two weeks ago, that’s how my mind has been working. Two things SO wrong with that:

1) How can I keep putting off God???


2) Why do I believe that a WHOLE day spent with God would renew my Spirit? Why do I believe that ONE WHOLE DAY is enough?

For my term papers, that’s how I’ve done them. Put them off till the last minute, pull an all-nighter, and TADA submit it the next day. It works.*

Same goes for my exams, study the night before, make sure I get enough sleep, and show up to write the exam. It works, too.*

[*It works because God has been really gracious with me.]

If anything, that mentality has carried over to my Sainthood — I’ve been unconsciously believing that closeness with God is something I can achieve with one-time-big-time efforts. It’s like saying, “As long as I work hard on it? Like SUPER HARD? I could accomplish something that should take time to complete.” 


God wants a relationship, no matter how the world puts it, A RELATIONSHIP CANNOT BE RAILROADED TO COMPLETION. 

A relationship is like a plant — ask any gardener, farmer, or horticulturalist — no matter how miraculous your fertilizers are, IT WILL NEVER BLOSSOM OVERNIGHT. Okay, so I don’t know much about plants, but one thing I’m sure of — magnificent and sturdy trees are not grown overnight.

Spiritual Growth is not some paper or project that we just have to complete and can complete whenever we want — it’s growth, something that has to be worked on DAILY and CONSTANTLY.

The Art of Procrastination is NOT something a SAINT should master and employ in his/her sainthood. We’re working towards an ETERNAL GOAL. We’re serving the KING OF KINGS. We’re cultivating a relationship with the LORD OF LORD.

Can we really take it likeeverything else”we have to work on?

I haven’t been able to post lately, my time management skills have yet to improve. But, I do find time to check my email, and consequently, my subscriptions. So here’s something I really believe would be a great read.

“Saint Patrick: Green Beer Has Nothing To Do With Him”  

is Chief of the Least‘s latest post, and I really liked it and strongly believed I had to share it. (Click on the title to access the post.)

Turns out, I have been missing out way too much — I SHOULD be commemorating St. Patrick’s Day!

God’s grace is painted in an awesome shade of green on this holiday. Green symbolizing growth for Saints everywhere who endure trials and persecution (even from other believers — Saint Patrick had to deal with his superiors’ doubts while being strongly persecuted by some Irish rulers, lawgivers, and commoners) in pursuit of God’s call.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Satan and his cohorts are tasked to bring us Saints down, and a lot of times they do it by annoying circumstances — circumstances that sometimes even involve people around you, even people from your own church family.

Jesus has only one thing to say about that: But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Sure, this world would be hostile and crazy, but we must not be discouraged nor swayed by it. We are SAINTS, and we’re called to bring forth His glory and share His love.

As Saints, we are SOLDIERS. Soldiers stand up after being shot and go on fighting, for they knows their duties.

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 2:3)

Take heart Saints! This world will not let loose in its endeavors to bring us down.

Giving up and lying down after being shot is such a tempting option, and is surely an easy one; the Bible has something to say about that:

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

Why give up when the war is already won?

Personally, God has been such a gracious Father to me, always being there. That being said, He doesn’t always change the CIRCUMSTANCES; a lot of times, He changes me.

“Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child.” — Scott Krippayne

(Sometimes He Calms the Storm — Scott Krippayne)

Sure, it’s not always the case that we see His hand, nor do we see Him moving in us — but that doesn’t mean He’s not. This, I believe, is why a community of believers is so important; this is definitely one of reasons why Jesus wants us to be a united church. When we don’t always see how things are, our fellow believers might.

I’m writing this as a reminder for myself, sometimes I just need to put it to writing to get me to remember it in my heart. But I believe God would bring this message to whoever needs it, just as He brings to me writings of different people to remind me of His love.

I, personally, am such a Grammar Nazi — sadly, am the kind that also gets corrected a lot. Being corrected by one is not an unusual thing, I believe most, if not ALL of you have been corrected by one — or is actually one correcting others! It got me thinking: Why is it not considered rude to correct someone of their English, but it’s unethical to tell people that they’re doing something not pleasing to God?

Okay, so I’m not saying we go out into the streets and call everyone SINFUL. I’m just bringing up the idea that somehow, we Saints have been ingrained with ethnological ethics so much that we’ve forgotten what Righteous Anger is. God hates the sin but not the SINNER. 

We serve a RIGHTEOUS and JUST God, one who CANNOT TOLERATE SIN — then how come, we, His children, are able to cope with sin SO WELL? It bugs me to realize that I’m actually more annoyed at people who don’t know how to use DID + VERBS properly as compared to people swearing out loud. I just have this urge to shout at people who say things like: “What did you saw again?” But when people use vulgar words, I let them slide thinking that it’s just a matter of self expression.

As Saints, we often associate being obedient with NOT COMMITTING SINS OURSELVES; We often forget, that we are called to be LIKE CHRIST: INTOLERANT OF SIN.

In the Old Testament, God punished Eli, the High Priest of Shiloh, not because he was wicked, but because his SONS were and HE DID NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT:

At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. (1 Samuel 3: 12-13)

God does not only want us to be pursuing holiness, He wants us to encourage others too! In Ezekiel 3, the Bible even goes so far as to say:

When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. (Ezekiel 3:18)

We are called to be SAINTS, to be ambassadors of His love, and to SHINE for His glory. When a light is lit in a dark room, it dispels the darkness around it — as Children of God, are we shining? Or are we being too tolerant of the world that we abuse the idea of “Christ loving the sinner?”

Yes, we are called to love, BUT the bible has a clear prescription of WHAT LOVING ENTAILS:

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. (Romans 12:9)

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. ( 1 Corinthians 13:6)

The truth hurts, and true friends who love you, are not afraid to hurt you by telling the truth. We are called to LOVE, and loving someone means wanting what’s best for them. I don’t think allowing them to continue sinning and suffering the wrath of God is something one can do out of love.

When we tolerate sin, it’s not God that we’re pleasing.


I’ve been talking with a dear Christian sister about our struggles with being human, with always falling short of His glory, and with always sinning and giving in to temptation. We talked about God’s grace being sufficient, and His love never ending; BUT that doesn’t mean we can just go on sinning. We came to a conclusion that goes:

“It’s only by His grace that we are saved, and in that we should put our faith and trust on. That doesn’t mean we should go about our shortcomings like a cycle of God-forgives so we-forget. What the stories in the Bible are telling us is that God is a God of second chances, and that He wants us to repent–sincerely repent. And to ask Him for grace not to be waived off our sins again, but to teach us to change, the way He wants us to.”

Then it hit me: Have I been repenting, or only apologizing?

In the Oxford English Dictionary (Online) to repent is defined as:

“To review one’s actions and feel contrition or regret for something one has done or omitted to do; (esp. in religious contexts) to acknowledge the sinfulness of one’s past action or conduct by showing sincere remorse and undertaking to reform in the future.”

(“repent, v.”. OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press. 22 February 2012 <;.)

For the most part, I’ve only been apologizing: saying SORRY. That’s not what God wants!

Sure, He is pleased that we acknowledge our shortcomings and our faults and that we express remorse for them; but that’s not enough. He asks for REPENTANCE not APOLOGIES. Apologies are great, they are the first step to repentance: recognizing that we are wrong and that we need help; but repentance goes further than that. Repentance entails a complete turn around — we stop walking in the direction we’re going, and turn back to go to where He wants us to go! Apology is just stopping in our tracks and staying there, that’s not what He wants.

From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” (Matthew 4:17)

Jesus did not say “Apologize for your sins! For the kingdom of heaven has come near.” NO, He said: REPENT.

Also, listen to Paul in Acts 20:21, he says:

I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

He did not tell the Jews and the Greeks to “turn to God and apologize,” he said REPENT.

When we sin and then repent, we are just doing what we’re supposed to: we fall, so we have to get up. However, abuse of His grace comes when we sin and we just keep apologizing and think we’re OKAY by virtue of His grace.

Apology is not repentance, if it were, Jesus would’ve used apologize in His preaching.

I, and everyone else, am not abusing God’s grace when I genuinely repent. I feel bad about taking His grace for granted because I only have “apology” in mind. If you’ve always been feeling guilty about constantly sinning and then saying sorry, then fellow saint, that must be God bugging you saying: Child, I don’t need your apologies, I want your repentance. Repentance means DOING something; it’s turning AWAY from our sins — not just saying sorry for them.

Now I will echo John the Baptist’s call: REPENT! 

Recently, I’ve really been passionate about writing here. It’s just that He’s been revealing a LOT to me, and so I keep writing.

A lot of times, I’d be struggling with something, and the moment He shows me the way out, I write about it!

But, as I’ve been repeating countless times: even as saints, we still are human. This prodigal saint has his share of humanity too — school work. I don’t like it, but I have to do it. Deadlines and exams are piling up, and I just don’t want to do them.

My weekend starts every Thursday — yup, I’m one of those college dudes that have long weekends EVERY week. So when the weekend kicks in, I go into vacation-mode. From Thursdays to Sundays, I’ll be at church everyday for choir practice, fellowships, etc. I feel like it’s summer when Thursdays come by. So when Monday comes along, all my work piles up on me.

For the past few days, I’ve been very tired. There are things God is changing within me, there are things I do for His church, there’s stress with rehearsals for an Easter Cantata, and then there’re school work — I have to deal with all of these. It’s not a fun feeling to be burdened down by all these.

I find myself struggling to just focus on Him and that all I do is for Him. Sadly, staying focus isn’t my only problem: when you’re down and tired, it’s when Satan tries his best to fill you with lies.

“Pst. PSSSST! Hey, you! What are you doing? Praying again? You actually think He’s going to help you? PLEASE! Wake up! He’s a narcissistic God, He’ll only care about Himself! Can’t you see? He’s getting you involved in all these services you do for Him. You’re keeping a blog for His glory, you’re in the choir three times a week — you’re spending way too much time in church when you’re supposed to be studying. When has He even helped you with your studies, huh? Does He care? NO! Wake up! You’re not His son, you’re His slave! He won’t be helping you, look, you have tons of papers due — good luck with that!”

The devil taunts me to let go of God’s unfailing love. He’s filling my head with doubt. I struggled. It’s hard to think straight when you’re emotionally unstable. But by God’s grace, I was still able to pray. I sent the devil away, and surrendered in prayer. Nothing has changed, I still have deadlines and exams, I’m still tired; but who cares, I’ll just lift it up to Him.

So today, I just finished writing my history midterm. Also, today I handed in my history paper which was a day late. I did the paper on the night of the submission day, finished it at around 4AM the next day. So when I handed in my midterm exam, my professor smiled at me and said: “Your paper was great!” I didn’t pay her much attention, I was tired from writing an exam for two hours — it was at the end of my day, and I had a whole day of classes and I only got to review in between classes, I was just glad to get it over with. She handed me my paper, which she just graded, and first thing I saw was (- 2%) on my title page. I knew that, so I went out of the room and stopped by the stairs to read through her comments.

I was feeling exited, I don’t know why. But when I got to the last page this met my eyes: “91” I GOT AN A+! (The original grade was a 93, and it came with “I don’t usually give A+!”)

I could actually hear God saying to me: “What did I tell you? Just trust in Me!

He actually saw me through! And NO! He did not just care about His ministry, HE LOVES ME! He’s taking care of me, He knows my every need, and He’s my FAITHFUL HEAVENLY FATHER who’d ALWAYS SEE ME THROUGH!

I walked to the bus stop giggling and smiling all the way — I think people might have though I was crazy or something. I don’t care! I was walking on sunshine, He just dispelled all my doubts and my cares.

What’s even sweeter? He did not need to do that! He was God! I am a servant, He does not need to prove anything to me! But in His love? He did so. He really is the God of love — LOVE Himself. He is just the SWEETEST! ♥

“The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)


“Son, I’ve been telling you. You are not meant to confront temptations HEAD ON. As much as My salvation for you is complete and victorious — you still are in this world. Yes, you are a saint, you are My saint. But as you know, even as a saint, you still are HUMAN. Son, part of your humanity is your sinful nature. I’ve freed you from it, but I do not offer instantaneous change. You need to learn.What good is your perfection if you did not learn from the process?

I want you to learn, I want you to change, but I do not want robots. Son, you of all people should know how good having someone love you feels like. I want OBEDIENCE OUT OF LOVE. I do not need machines that I can program and reset when they mess up. I want people who would follow Me, choose to obey Me, and hold on to Me.

You, My son, are a saint. I’ve set you apart from the world to be ambassadors of My love on earth. And son, how do you expect to do that when you keep falling? I am not expecting you to be perfect, I know your limitations, and I know how to test you. Every time you encounter temptation, I provide a way out.

Son, I give fire exits to burning buildings, not portal guns that can zap you places. I need you to make the conscious effort of FLEEING. No son, a burning building cannot be salvaged by cans of fire extinguishers, you have to flee from it — you are not equipped to fight it. Your sinful nature always keeps you vulnerable to being tempted; however, My grace is sufficient for you. Turn to Me, I can help you. I’m the fire fighter that rushed to climb the burning inferno of a building you’re trapped in to save you. Just choose to take my hand and let’s go. No, no, no. How many times do I have to tell you? Stop trying to fight the flames. You cannot win, not at your current state. You are not equipped, nor trained, to fight flames of this intensity. Listen to Me, My child, flee.

Son, you will always be tempted. You cannot just sit around all day and hope to not encounter any. The devil is like a roaring lion, seeking those he can devour. Don’t be sitting duck! Flee at the sight of him! In cases like these, fleeing is not cowardly, it’s wise. Sure, in severe cases, even in the wild, some prey gets to overpower their predator. But for the most part, even if they can, they’d much rather run away — it’s safer, more efficient, and saves a lot of trouble. PLUS! It’s a guaranteed safe option for them. If you run, and you get caught — then fight. But if you fight and you realize the opponent’s too strong, can you still run?

Son, being bound by your sinful nature is like swimming with an open wound in shark territory. They will always be able to find you, so keep swimming! Don’t laze around and hope they don’t find you. FLEE! I will never leave you nor forsake you, and your battles can be won with My power. BUT, you have to remember, I am not your guard dog. I am your Father. I will protect you when I need to, BUT, you HAVE TO OBEY ME. Run when I tell you.   I’ve made it clear in a lot of ways in the Bible to flee from temptation, to flee from the devil. Listen to me, child. FLEE!

Look at every time you get caught by temptation because you did not flee and tried to fight when I clearly commanded you to run. Every time that happens, the enemy succeeds in destroying you, your morale, your well-being, etc. What’s worse? I am the only one who can heal you and make you whole again, BUT you feel so dirty and broken that you assume I would not want you anymore! Look at the LIES you’re vulnerable to when you give in to temptation, when you allow the prowling lion to get a hold of you. Son, he is full of hate, he is miserable — and he sees how happy you are in me AND HE WANTS TO DESTROY THAT RELATIONSHIP! Do not, My son, allow him to do that.

Listen to your Father. “

— Love, God

“Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22)

Whatever it is that’s “pulling you away from God,” as a friend of mine once said, never allow it to take over you. Always seek Him, and He will always be there for you to find. And as the verse says, “along with those who call on the Lord” — we can all work together at this, to help each other find our way back to our Father, and to STAY with Him.

In Jesus’s Name, we HAVE victory!

There are a lot of things we end up craving for, yearning for, and even lusting for. But every time we find ourselves reaching for something, STOP and ask: Does God want this for me?

It’s not really easy to pause every time, and I mean EVERY time, we start wanting something. But we HAVE too.

There are SO many things in this world that are just too LUSCIOUS for us; even as Saints, we are not immune to the idea of “craving.” We will ALWAYS want things, it’s part of what we are as human beings.

What do we do then?


Staying focused is as simple (simple, not necessarily EASY)  as always stopping and asking yourself. In this case, as a Saint, it’s about stopping and asking GOD:

“Lord, is this what You want for me? Would this bring glory to You? Am I being a good Saint by pursuing this?”

Our ultimate goal as Saints is to bring GLORY to God.


We have to focus on our calling, we are called to be SET APART. To not be like everyone else. Sometimes it’s really easy to say: “Oh, this is okay. Everyone’s doing it.” But we are NOT like everyone else, we are SAINTS!

Our goal as SAINTS is to be SALT AND LIGHT on earth. It was straight from Jesus’ mouth, as recorded in Matthew:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:13-15)

Salt is EXPECTED to be salty. And light is EXPECTED to dispel darkness. And Jesus goes on to say:

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

We are like walking signboards displaying His glory. Everything we do SHOULD reflect Him.

So back to whatever it is that’s luring us. Does having a craving for it glorify Him? Does it help us maintain our “SALTINESS” on this earth?


There are a lot of things, thanks to the media and our twisted sinful nature, we end up thinking to be “okay” things — not inherently good, not inherently bad. But I’m here to tell you, there really is no such thing as GOOD nor BAD. There’s only one way of classifying things: PLEASING or NOT PLEASING to GOD.

Take the temptation of Jesus in the desert for example. (Matt. 4: 1-11; Luke 4:1-13)

The suggestion to turn stones into bread seems to be an attempt to persuade Jesus to satisfy His immediate physical need outside of God’s will. …  Though I believe Luke 4 is primarily an attack on the person and Messianic work of Christ, there are surely lessons for us: Satan desires that we take the initiative to meet perceived needs outside the way and will of God. We are tempted to seek possessions, pleasure, position and power. On His part, Jesus submitted to His Father’s will regardless of personal consequences, comfort and convenience. — Derek Newton (Principalities and Powers)

Jesus too, as human, had desires — some were as simple as being hungry after not eating for 40 days and 40 nights.

In the Bible, we can see two distinct ways of dealing with desires, cravings, wants, etc.

1) Jesus, as Derek Newton pointed out, His temptation is the desert is a clear picture of the things we humans want: “possessions, pleasure, position and power.”


2) Esau, as I’ve posted in “The Saint Communes: Blessings,” was also confronted with his earthly desires. He was hungry after a whole day of hunting, and so did not care about his birth right and sold it for a bowl of soup.

Thing is, Esau GAVE IN. He allowed his humanity to take over him. As for Jesus, He stayed focused on His status as Chist, and held on to the COMMANDS of God.


We, like Jesus, have a status we must hold on to: we are SAINTS. We carry around Christ is our daily lives. That’s the whole idea of being SALT and LIGHT. Salt, when added to food, makes things salty. Light, when placed in a dark room, lights it up. WE, when placed in this world, SHOULD HAVE SOME EFFECT ON IT.

Salt is ONLY salty, it cannot be both salty and sweet. We can only either be: glorifying God and showing people HIM, or just going with the flow and fading into “everybody else.”

So in everything we do, in everything we want, and in everything we do for the things we want always keep in mind: we are SAINTS, salt and light of the earth. It’s not easy, but hey, we are SONS and DAUGHTERS of the Most High God! His Spirit is our power, all we have to do is ASK. When it becomes too tough? PRAY.

As the song goes: “We fight our battles on our knees.” (We Are United)