Archive for the ‘The Saint Communes’ Category

A lot of times we hear people say cliches like…

“Have faith!”

“Just trust Him.”

“God will see you through, hold on!”

Awesome advises. They really are.  But I am here to tell you the hard truth: THERE REALLY IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO.

Often times we say Christianity is a walk, a journey, a struggle, among other things that involve us doing something. Yes, that’s totally true. James does say: “Faith without works is dead.” But the amazing thing about the whole story of grace? Is that it really pertains to, GRACE — UNDESERVED FAVOR.

I am here to tell you, that walking with God is actually more like being carried by Him.

Take this passage for example,

Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it until morning.”

Exodus 16:19

As someone who basically grew up in the church, that’s all I need to hear to know that the sentence is from Exodus and is referring to when God provided heavenly bread (manna) to the starving Israelites traveling in the desert.

The people were hungry, God sent them manna. BUT there was a catch — they can only gather enough for the day. No need to store for tomorrow because God will give them what they need for tomorrow tomorrow.

Simple enough instructions right? Especially for the the people who saw …

  • Moses turn a staff into a snake and back, become a leper and heal himself, and turn Nile water into blood by pouring it onto the ground. (Exodus 4:1-9; 29-31)
  • The whole Nile turn to blood — AND ALL OTHER WATER IN ALL EGYPT (Exodus 7:14-25)
  • Frogs, gnats, and flies PLAGUE EGYPT (Exodus 8)
  • God strike down ALL the livestock of Egypt. And to prove it’s not just some random epidemic, NONE of the livestock of the Israelites died. (Exodus 9: 1-6)
  • God strike both man and beast with boils (Exodus 9: 8-10)
  • The INSTANTANEOUS summoning and clearing of a deadly (yeah. it killed stuff) hailstorm (Exodus 9: 13-33)
  • A plague of locust that TOTALLY cleared everything they could clear and made Egyptian history as the “WORST LOCUST PLAGUE TO HIT EGYPT EVER” (Exodus 10: 1-18)
  • A phenomenon that they can only describe as “Darkness” where NO LIGHT was seen for THREE WHOLE DAYS — a darkness God described as “a darkness so thick you can feel it” (Exodus 10: 21-29)
  • A sad and scary event where ALL the firstborn Egyptian males (human and animal alike) DIED while those of the Israelites who observed the Passover slept soundly through the night (Exodus 11 – 12:1-29)
  • Their release from captivity! (Exodus 12:31-40)
  • A magical GPS device that was a fluffy cloud by day and a fiery pillar (a GPS, a light source, and a heat source!) by night ! (Exodus 13:21)
  • THE SPLITTING OF THE RED SEA — A WHOLE SEA! And they walked on completely DRY LAND — COMPLETELY DRY.  Which! Closed off just in time for their pursuers to drown! (Exodus 14: 15-29)
  • The first (I think?) water filter that was thrown into a bitter OASIS which — surprise surprise — made it DRINKABLE! (Exodus 15: 22-27)

Okay. Let’s pause here for a minute. That looks to me like a sparkling, over-the-top resume that God built up for Himself!


In just 10 chapters, God was able to showcase a ton of a lot of things!


Let’s go back to the passage awhile ago,

Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it until morning.”

Exodus 16:19

Why was that there? It was a way for God to teach His chosen people a lesson: a lesson on faith and trusting Him.

Apparently, even after all the ostentatious display God’s power, the Israelites were not quite faithful enough to believe in God — to trust in Him and have faith that HE IS POWERFUL and CARES FOR THEM!

Exodus 16:20 says,

But some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning. But by then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell. Moses was very angry with them.

The instruction was for them to take only the needed amount for the whole day and trust that God would provide for more the next day. Some Israelites just did not have that kind of faith in God. They had to take matters into their own hands.

It’s in these stories that God’s grace and love is perfectly shown. God had already done enough to prove His power and faithfulness, but He knew not all of His beloved children have learned the lesson yet. So He gave them things like the manna incident to learn.

Faith is not something we can have on our own. That very thing that is require to please God is something that God cultivates in us. We humans are just not capable of that. We are greedy and selfish, trusting people is hard for us — even trusting God. God knows that and that’s why He’s the “author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2)

So what should we be doing then?

Simple: Obey.

God has put things very plainly for us. Things get complicated because we complicate them with our intellect (that seeks to prove we are better at understanding things than God), our greed (we try to bargain with God and have our own way), and our stubbornness (we just are stubborn.)

Exodus 16:19 was a clear command, obeying it would exercise your faith. Faith is a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes. And God is our Trainer — in charge of our diet, our workout routine, and our moral support to keep us going.

What is Your Personal trainer telling you right now?

How do you find out?



Read His word and pray — simple as that.

We live in a world where there is always arguments on what’s “natural” and what’s “not.” It’s a big deal for people to find out if a disease or a calamity is of “natural causes” or were somehow fabricated by men. We make a big deal of what is normal.

Well, as saints, we’re NOT natural.

We saints are to “not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ” (Romans 12:2a) Whatever is considered “normal” by the world, we do not simply “accept.” We’re to be a new kind of natural.

The apostle Paul talks more about this unnatural natural in his letter to the Ephesians. In Ephesians 4, he starts out by saying,

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Eph. 4:1)

Here’s the first unnatural natural principle: We are prisoners. 

At this time, Paul was writing from prison. So yeah, he was literally a prisoner for Christ. Paul’s era wasn’t really the kindest to Christians. But he emphasizes a  different kind of captivity when he quoted Psalm 68 in verses 7 and 8

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says:

“When He ascended on high,
He took many captives
and gave gifts to His people.”

(Eph. 4:7-8)

He talks about Christ giving us grace, and then says He took many “captives” a.k.a PRISONERS.

Yes, Paul is calling us prisoners. And talks about it in an as-a-matter-of-factly kind of way — like it was the way it was supposed to be! AND IT IS.

I always talk about Christianity as a relationship and NOT a religion, and that’s what Paul is illustrating here. Come to think of it, there are two ways of actually being a captive:

1) To actually be forcefully taken in as a prisoner (say you’re caught by the police, or taken hostage by an enemy group, etc)


2) To be fully in-love with someone (or something) that it’s taken over you.

Think of all the movies you’ve seen — especially the cheesy lovey-dovey ones. There is always that idea of losing yourself to the one you love. It’s like you’re a slave to them. Not because they lord over you, but simply because you love them SO much you WANT to serve them and be together with them.

I am pretty sure, of all generalizations, this is one I can actually make — we have all been captivated by something (or someone) one way or another. We throw around the word love a LOT —

“I love Twilight”

“I love Bieber”

“I love Pokemon”

“I love her”

“I love him”

“I love basketball”

“I love shopping”


Somehow, sometime in your life you’ve uttered these words. And by saying any of these, you ARE being a prisoner of that thing that follows the word “love.”

The world puts SO much emphasis on being against captivity. It’s unnatural to WANT to be under the rule of someone. But let’s face it, we ALL have been somehow. And that’s what Jesus wants: For us to be in-love with Him — He wants us captivated by Him.

Paul furthers this illustration in verses 15 and 16,

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph. 4:15, 16)

We’re not the typical kinds of captives who are simply slaves — we are PART OF HIM.

Raise your hands. Your eye brows. Close your eyes. Stand up. Sit down. Jump up. Now sit back down with your legs crossed and your hands steady on your lap.

Every last inch of your body is a captive to you. And I do not think anyone of you would want it any other way. I sure don’t want a hand that won’t obey me. So yeah. Your body is your slave. But think about it, when your tummy aches, your whole body feels it. When you’re down with the flu, you hate it. When you get bruises or cuts, you’re unhappy. Let’s face it, we love our bodies. 

When Paul calls us captives, he had that analogy in mind. That of one body, and as he said in verse 15 our head is Christ. We are one with Him as His beloved children. And as part of His body, we are His captives.

Speaking of the body, here’s the second unnatural natural principle: We are to be united as a body with One head.

Okay, a united body isn’t as unnatural as the first idea of being prisoners. But think about it. A body whose parts are other human beings who each has their own will and their own ideas — ALL EXPECTED TO BE TOGETHER AND OPERATE AS SEAMLESSLY AS A BIOLOGICAL BODY SHOULD. Think of your local church for example, every week  (at least once) you come to church and fellowship with these strangers. You see the same people every week but none of you are related in any sort of earthly way, and YET you’re all expected to be “family.”

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:2-3)

Paul says we should, as Christians, bear with one another in love. As part of one body, we’re not just to be in love with Christ — we are called to love ALL the other parts of the body!  Sure, the world does see unity as something we should all strive for, but no one in their right mind would tell you to love everyone. And yet, we Saints are expected to do so. The church in actuality is one of the most unnatural human relationships we are ever going to encounter. Total strangers coming together and “loving” each other. That’s just not normal! So if it’s not, why are we charged to do so?

Paul explains in the following verses,

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lordone faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Eph. 4:4-6)

We are called to be in loving unity with each other because WE SERVE ONE GOD. 

We are one body — a body with parts that do not love each other will NOT be able to function properly.

We have one Spirit — as Christians, we all share the same privilege of having the Holy Spirit in us. To teach, help, and guide us. It’s just logical and to expect people with the same Spirit in them to be at peace with each other.

We have one hope — we all are hoping for one thing: SALVATION aka “an eternity in heaven.” ie. We WOULD ALL BE SPENDING ETERNITY TOGETHER, shouldn’t we start getting along NOW??

We have one Lord — we serve the same Lord, and if He wants us to love each other… uhh… Shouldn’t we do so?

We have one faith — we all believe in one thing — JESUS. And if we’re all in love with one thing, we should be able to love each other. What do you think fan clubs are made of? They all share the same love for someone or something, and they end up bonding together.

We have one baptism — Oxford defines baptism as a “an act or a ceremony,” a bible dictionary takes it further and say it is “a public way of breaking with one’s past life and beginning a new one.” PUBLIC — it’s a public declaration, we tell the world and everyone who witnesses our baptism that WE SERVE JESUS! And if we serve a God of love, we should show love.  First to Him, then to other Christians, then to everyone else!

We have one God and Father of all — our God is not a normal God either, He’s not just a “god” who rules over people, He’s a God who calls us HIS CHILDREN. Okay, this one, even the world would agree — if we are all brothers and sisters, then DUHH we SHOULD be loving each other.

Last unnatural natural principle Paul gives us in Ephesians is this: We are called.

Our God is, again, not really the typical God. He calls us — He doesn’t force us into anything.

Going back to verse one, Paul says:

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Eph 4:1)

We received a call.

There are two different calls that we can pick out from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

1) We are called into loving Him and being His children — everyone is called to be His children, God wants us all to be saved.

Paul “urges us to live a life worthy of the calling,” simply put, he’s saying: You were called into salvation, now live like you have received it.

2) We, Saints, are called to different positions too.

Going back to the idea of Christians making up the body of Christ, we cannot ALL be eyes. Paul talks about this in his letter to another church — the one in Corinth. He says,

“If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” (1 Corinthians 12:17-20)

God did design our earthly bodies — He made us with a pair of eyes, a pair of ears, 4 limbs, a head, etc etc. So it’s just logical that He would want His body — the church — to be likewise.

That’s the second kind of call that Paul’s talking about. We are called to be different things. One body, many parts. 

He talks about 4 specific calls in verses 11-13 of chapter 4,

“So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophetsthe evangeliststhe pastors and teachers,to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ  may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:11-13)

In Paul’s other letters, he enumerates some more positions that God calls us to — not everyone is going to be called to be a prophet, an evangelist, a teacher, or an apostle —  but the idea is basically that we are called to different roles for the same purpose — to build up the Body of Christ until we all reach unity in the faith. 

What’s so unnatural about the idea of being called? Well, like any calls you make it can either be rejected or accepted.  Jesus is calling us into a love-relationship with Him. He’s calling everyone. But not everyone answers. Same thing too, us Saints, not all of us have answered His other call — some of us don’t even know what it is.

I wanna just end this with Paul’s own words:

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. — Remember that you are called, called to a relationship, called to a unified body, and called to service.

Saints, it’s time to pick up the “phone” and become naturally unnatural.

Morning, Dad

Posted: January 16, 2013 in The Saint Communes

Morning, Dad!

Yeah. It’s 11:40AM and I’m just starting my day. Thanks for a wonderful schedule — Thanks for giving me Wednesdays off!

I want today to be different, Dad. I mean, sure, I don’t think anything has changed. But I guess that’s a good thing, a wonderful thing! The hope I have in You, the grace and love that’s ever so ready to take a hold of me IS ALL STILL HERE!

Sure. I still feel like crap. What can I say? Being trapped in the flesh has its downside. However, today I want to overcome. No emotion is stronger than You. No emotion is more powerful than Your joy, Your peace, Your comfort, and Your love. And today, I want to acknowledge that!

My circumstances haven’t changed. You know that. I still need help with the same things, I still am waiting for Your answers for certain stuff, etc. But today, I want to choose to simply look to You — the Author and Perfecter of MY FAITH!

It’s crazy how easy it actually is, once I get rid of how “life” gets in the way. You have the power to save me, and You gave it freely! Now all I have to do is RECEIVE! How easy is that?

Yes, Dad. Don’t worry. I won’t get caught up in any fairytale. I’ll simply be basking in Your abundant provisions.

Yes, Dad. I know. I do have to go through all these. It’s a process. It’s a journey. I need to grow. I need to learn. And I need these circumstances to keep me in check — to always make me conscious of You.

Honestly? I’m tired. You know that. But! I’m not running on my own strength — I’m running on YOURS! So I say, bring it on!

Help me, Dad. I want to live today focused on You. I want to accomplish things today. And I do not want to have a wandering and faltering heart today. Hold me on a short leash today. Keep me close. This wayward child needs his Father to keep him in check.

I’m learning. I’m taking things one day at a time. I’m taking today for today. And let tomorrow be something for tomorrow.

Dad, help me to trust in Your perfect plan. My head knows it, but my heart is wavering. Lord, let Your peace calm me down. For I know the plans You have for me. They’re awesome plans, and they’re awesome because they will come to pass in YOUR TIME, IN YOUR WAYS, and FOR YOUR GLORY. Help me keep that in mind — I mean, help me hold that to heart.

Hmmmm, idleness doesn’t please You. So, I’ll continue this prayer as I go about the things I have set today. Onto Our day, Dad!

In Jesus’ name I pray,

It’s January 4 — first Friday of 2013 — and God has already warned me of my idolatrous tendencies (or habits).

Listen to the Bible from 1 Kings 11:1-13

Solomon’s Wives

11 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.10 Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command.11 So the Lord said to Solomon, “Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. 12 Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son. 13 Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”

Solomon was the wisest man EVER, the Bible says so, and yet he wasn’t immune to his own humanity. Idolatry is such  a big word, no saint would wanna be labeled “idolatrous.” Yet, the smallest acts, desires, and emotional whims that we do, long for, and cherish embody the word “idolatry” fully.

I hate to admit it, and I hate to confront it even more, but I am probably the most idolatrous person I know. God knows that, and I guess that’s why early this year He’s already cautioning me about it.

That’s the hardest part. I already know it. Like Solomon, I also know of what God wants for me — not totally, but I know the generals well enough. I know of the commandment that says: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3) I know myself well enough to know which things I do are undeniably idolatrous. And like Solomon, I have talked about holding on to God’s commands.

He exclaims this in the presence of his people in 1 Kings 8: 56-61 and says,

56 “Praise be to the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel just as He promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises He gave through His servant Moses.57 May the Lord our God be with us as He was with our ancestors; may He never leave us nor forsake us. 58 May He turn our hearts to Him, to walk in obedience to Him and keep the commands, decrees and laws He gave our ancestors.59 And may these words of mine, which I have prayed before the Lord, be near to the Lord our God day and night, that He may uphold the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel according to each day’s need, 60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other.61 And may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by His decrees and obey His commands, as at this time.

I’m afraid of how the future might be for me. I really am. Though I should not be, I have to admit I am. I may not be as wise as Solomon, but I am wise enough to see what He wants of me — an undivided heart. I am afraid that like Solomon, despite knowing these, I would still go my way and break His heart.

It makes me wanna put a different spin on the statement “He that is in me, is greater than he that is in the world.” Right now? I’m convicted to declare…

He that is in me is greater than he THAT IS ME.

I am my worst enemy. I bet a lot of you saints out there feel the same way. It’s not that the enemy’s lies are powerful, it’s not that they have power over us beyond what we can deal with — it’s that we have decided to listen to and cherish those lies.

The spirit is willing but the body in indeed weak. YET in all these? We have to remind ourselves that WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US .(Rom. 8:37)

By the cross, by Christ’s sacrifice, by His power, by His love, and ultimately by His grace — WE CAN OVERCOME.

I urge you saints to admit your idolatrous ways. Search within and see where you are weakest. AND COMMIT YOURSELF TO PRAYER. We have no power aside from that which is ours through Christ — and we need to tap into that power EVERY MOMENT of our lives. Do not underestimate the power of prayer, and do not discount the need for total humility and submission. In prayer, we surrender ourselves and submit to His power and call for His will to be done.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no position to say I have totally overcome myself. Nor am I in any way better than any of you — remember, I am the prodigal saint, I have a wandering heart that strays way too often. I am talking to you as a brother who cautions and reminds you of what I have been reminded so that together we will overcome.

I guess what I’m trying to say is:

1) Idolatry is a serious issue we better deal with NOW.

2) I am battling it, and I need your prayer and support. 

Honestly, I am thankful for the reminder. Very early in the year God has already cautioned me. I pray that I can hold fast to this reminder though. I pray that His mercy and grace be ever with me as I battle it out with myself.

Just remember, saints, it’s not about being religious and ritually righteous. It’s about having a heart that seeks to love and build a relationship with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save us who were lost.


No. I am not happy. Yes, you have sinned against Me. And no, I wasn’t referring to all the laws and commands you’ve broken. I’m referring to you breaking My heart.

I have been with you all these years. I know what you know, not just because I am God, but because I taught you everything you know. I stood by you and sat beside you as you learned everything you know about Me, My word, and My creation. And yes, I am fully aware that all these are not new to you. But son, if anything, we both know you are stubborn. You can know things and still not know them.

Son, I am not happy because you have forsaken Me.

No, I do not care about all your sins. I do not care about them as much as I care about how you and I are.

Son, I am your Father. I do not need your service, I do not need your religious acts, I do not need your righteousness, and I definitely do not need your time. No, son, I only want your love.

I do not care about how much time you spend serving Me. I do not care about how much you know about Me. I do not care about how many songs you can sing for me. I do not care about how many days and hours you give up for Me. I do not care how much luxuries you lose because of following Me. I do not care about how you love Me, I just want you to.

Son, it’s not about working for Me, knowing Me, spending time with Me, and not even serving Me — IT’S ABOUT BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH ME. 

No, you DON’T get it.

I do not want you focused on distancing yourself from the world — I want you focused on drawing closer to ME.

I do not want you focused on how much time you spend with Me and how you spend it — I want you focused on wanting to spend time with Me and actually doing so.

I do not want you focused on how you are to overcome your lusts and weaknesses — I want you focused on how much I love you, how powerful that love is, and how free you are just because I am your Father.

I do not want you focused on building relationships with My other children — I want you focused on how I make relationships for My glory and for your good. 

No, son, I do not want another worshiper to give me lip-service and shower Me with offerings. I want a son who loves Me and does all that out of love.

I’ve given you this statement months back: Ministry is simply the overflow of your love relationship with Me. It is never an end goal in itself. 

What happened to the “Ivan” who took note of that and posted it a few times on the internet?

What happened to the son of mine who wrote down “True humility is not about self-pity — it’s about SIMPLY ACCEPTING what He says and sees in you” after hearing it on the radio?

You’re called the prodigal saint for a reason. Because you have experienced firsthand what MY love feels like. I go running to embrace you EVERY single TIME you come back to Me. I shower you with kisses and hugs every time you come back up from the pig pens. I reinstate you every time you forget your status as MY SON. I give you authority and clothe you with My righteousness every time you forget that I have done it all on the cross. I give you everything that is Mine every time you lose all that you thought you had.

I, My son, am your Alpha and Omega — I am your Dad.

AND. I love you.


Your Heavenly Father

1. It is going into a land flowing with milk and honey, a land with grapevines too huge for one person to carry, a land of fortified cities and humongous people and coming out saying: “Let’s conquer it! It’s God’s promise land!” (Numbers 13 – 14:1-38)

Joshua was to lead the people of God into the Promise Land — Moses sinned against God and lost his privilege to enter the land — and even before he was tasked with the job of leading the Nation of Israel, he showcased unwavering trust in his God.

Growing up in church, I’ve always despised how foolish the Israelites were to doubt God’s supremacy in delivering to them a land that has been promised to their ancestors — way before they were in Egypt. Also, it never made sense to me how the people who lived through the 10 Plagues (Exodus 7-11), saw the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14), had quail and bread miraculously rain down on them IN THE DESERT (Exodus 16),  drank water that was turned sweet by a piece of wood (Exodus 15:22-27), drank water that came from a rock (Exodus 17:1-7, Numbers 20:1-13), had God guide them through a “magical” pillar of cloud and pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21-22), among others, COULD ALL OF A SUDDEN FORGET HOW GREAT THEIR GOD IS!

Sadly, we, Saints, usually end up forgetting the amazing feats God has shown us, too. It’s just so much easier to see what’s in front of us and forget that there is a God waiting for us to simply trust Him! 

What giant infested cities are you faced with conquering right now? Take it from Joshua, our God is SO MUCH BIGGER!

2. It is getting a whole nation to cross a HUGE RIVER at its FLOOD STAGE and letting the priests — not the more able bodied men who would have had better chances of surviving the rapids — to step into the waters first. (Joshua 3)

When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the Lord parted the waters FIRST before having them advance; however, when He wanted them to cross the flooding Jordan River, He did not part the waters UNTIL the priests stepped into them.

There is no other way to please God but through FAITH.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

How much do you trust God to part the waters for you? Would you take the step into the raging waters and trust that when He said He’d allow you to cross, you would be able to cross?

The Israelites were people who rarely got their feet wet — they crossed the Red Sea ON DRY LAND and the Jordan River ON DRY LAND, too!

I’ve come to see life and the world as a scary Jordan River that I have to cross.

Why won’t it be scary? You have to worry about what career to pursue, where to get the money to pursue that, how to pursue it (do I just study? do I work? do I get volunteer experiences? do I pump my CV up with hectic extra-curricular stuff?).  First you worry about getting into a good school, then you worry about grades, then you realize grades aren’t enough, you start thinking about things to add to your resume, then you think of what to do after university, and you realize you need further studies, but that you also need more experience, and you need money to study and get experience  … and the list goes on and on and on.

What did God tell me?

“Son, just cross the river. Just GO!”

He’d part the waters for me.

Besides, for a nation in conquest of the Promise Land, the Jordan River was the LEAST of their problems — likewise, we, as Saints, are to fulfill a higher calling, the world and all it’s “important” things are the least of our concerns. 

3. It’s leading a nation of desert-wandering freed slaves to conquer a FORTIFIED CITY. No military men, just desert-wanderers. (Joshua 6)

It’s one thing to conquer a city, it’s another to LEAD inexperienced people to conquer it with you. Joshua was not only a soldier in God’s army, he was a commander and a leader. He was tasked to LEAD A WHOLE NATION.

The mistakes and the falls that he might encounter will not only affect him, it will affect ALL of Israel.

Talk about pressure!

But in all these, he stood firm. Not because he was a great man, but because he had a GREAT GOD.

A God that did not lack in encouragement. In Joshua 1 alone, God told Joshua FOUR TIMES to “Be strong and courageous!”

Not to mention, He also said: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

He was fully set with God by his side.

4. It’s fighting your first battle in the Promise Land with priests in the front lines and trumpets and lung-bursting shouts as your main artillery — again, no advanced military weaponry nor training, and same fortified city. (Joshua 6)

They destroyed Jericho, conquered it, and took over it in the name of the Lord — all by marching around it for 7 days, trumpet sounds, and shouts.

No order was too ridiculous for Joshua to obey, he knew where he had his faith placed. 

They had their first victory ENTIRELY by trusting God and obeying Him — FAITH to conquer all — ’nuff said!

5. It’s having a “When I say jump, you JUMP” mentality — hearing from God every step of the way and simply carrying out orders. (Jos. 1:1, 3:7, 4:1, 4:15, 5:2, 5:9, 6:2 … and so on)

In Joshua chapters 1 to 6, the Bible records SEVEN phrases that said: “The Lord said to Joshua,” In all seven, there was no special mention that he retreated to a mountain top, or locked himself up in his tent, etc — nope, it was written as though God was simply with him and told him things like normal people would! 

Well, God did say that He will be with him ALWAYS, like how He was with Moses. God kept His promise — like He always does. And Joshua listened.

It’s important to note that in the Old Testament, God’s relationship with His people was that of a GOD and a PEOPLE who worshiped Him and belonged to Him. He was a KING, the people were His servants — it’s a pretty impersonal relationship, BUT we see how intimate people like Joshua are to Him.

If Joshua could be so certain of God’s commands, His presence, and His deliverance — HOW MUCH MORE WE, SAINTS?

Joshua was a military leader, a conqueror through a God who delivers. We?

We’re MORE THAN CONQUERORS through HIM who LOVED us so.

As Saints, we are BOUGHT by Jesus’s precious blood and are given the privilege to call God our FATHER — the Israelites in the Old Testament would shudder at the thought of addressing such an awesome Being with intimate names like “Father” and “Lover.”

We are co-heirs of Christ in the promise of eternal life — we are no longer just His servants, we are His FRIENDS; we are no longer just His people, we are His children. 

Think about what that means; with such intimacy, why can’t we exercise faith like Joshua?

We serve the same God, we share the same promise of His constant presence and His help, and we even have it better than Joshua — we have a LOVE relationship with Him! Why can’t we fulfill the same calling to be consecrated and set-apart for Him?

Saints, Joshua led the Israelites in the way of the Lord. They lived as a nation set-apart from the rest of the world. We have that same calling. The glory, fame, and victories they enjoyed were mere by-products of them seeking God first.

Every victory came from obedience, fame and glory came as bonuses for being faithful — God does not want us to focus on this world, but ON HIM — we’re simply transients on this world, we’re CITIZENS of HEAVEN.

This line just kept playing in my head for the WHOLE week (in fact, I think it’s been like this for two weeks)!

I don’t remember the whole song, just this line. I just keep singing it in my head:

“You were as I tempted and tried. Human.”

Tonight, He finally told me why.


theprodigalsaint: “You were as I, tempted and tried — human.”

God: Oh, so you’re still singing that?

theprodigalsaint: I can’t get it out of my head! 

God: Do you know why?

theprodigalsaint: Well, it’s definitely a reminder that there’s no excuse for my sins — even You, in the form of Jesus, were tempted but remained sinless.

God: Well, I was still God during My time on earth.

theprodigalsaint:  True, but You were also completely man.

God: True. Hey, what song are you gonna present for Easter again?

theprodigalsaint: Huh? Oh, “No Greater Love”

God: You have a solo part right? I made sure you were given that part, what part was it.

theprodigalsaint: It’s — :’)

[No Greater Love is a Cantata by John Piper about the life of Jesus. I was given the part of Jesus being tempted in the desert. It was a duet using the tempter’s words and Jesus’s responses — I was singing Jesus’s responses. ♥]


Jesus was fully human and fully God; He too was tempted and tried — EVEN BY SATAN HIMSELF!

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. (Matt. 4:1)


theprodigalsaint: Now I get it! But isn’t that what I said? You kept putting this line, not even the whole song, in my head to remind me that I am supposed to follow in Your footsteps — not fall into sin. 

God: Mm-hmm. But that’s not all. What else did you sing about?

theprodigalsaint: Well, I was singing the things You — :’)


Jesus, when He was being tempted by Satan, defended Himself — with God’s word.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matt. 4:4)

Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” (Matt. 4:7)

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (Matt. 4: 10)

He held on to God’s word. He knew what He was to do — obey God ONLY and FULLY.


theprodigalsaint: Well, Lord, it’s not that easy. Sure, I want to hold on to Your words too. I also have enough knowledge of Your words to be able to defend against the sins Satan commonly tempts me with. But…

God: But it’s not that easy because ‘I just can’t understand how there are things that you humans crave for so much that it’s become a physical pain?” or that ‘I don’t understand that there are things that you humans are prone too? Your emotions, your flesh’s desires, your socially constructed constraints, etc?’ 

theprodigalsaint: Yes, Lord! Yes! Exactly!

God: Son, why don’t you read the passage again.


Jesus had to deal with Satan like most of us. He, was COMPLETELY human after all.

After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (Matt. 4:2-3)


God: Did you see it?

theprodigalsaint: Yes.

God: So…?

theprodigalsaint: When You were tempted, you were tempted with something categorically similar to everything I’m tempted with … I mean, the circumstances are the same.

God: Mm-hmm, go on?

theprodigalsaint: When I am tempted, it’s SO easy to fall when I’m tired and/or stressed. Emotionally unstable because of physical weariness. It’s hard to focus, to think first before I act, let alone to ponder upon Your word before falling into Satan’s trap.

God: And at that time?

theprodigalsaint: Jesus was hungry and tired — He was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights! And He was tempted with food.

God: But?

theprodigalsaint: But what?

God: You were thinking of  a “but,” what is it?

theprodigalsaint: Well, He was FASTING after all, so that means He was spiritually recharged at that time. He was in communion with You! He was praying and all. He definitely was spiritually ready, and probably even mentally, to take Satan head on!

God: Sure, He was filled by the Spirit at that time. And yes, He was in communion with Me at that time. So what does that tell you?

theprodigalsaint:  … that if I were to spend my days seeking and communing with You CONSTANTLY, I will be able to draw on Your strength too, like how Jesus was spiritually ready to battle Satan, even when He was physically drained.

 God: And?

theprodigalsaint: And that no amount of physical craving or limitation would be able to weaken a Saint empowered by the Spirit — Your Spirit.

God: So now are you convinced that I really understand how you feel? How temptations appeal to your certain ‘perceived’ needs? Jesus was extremely hungry at that time, but He didn’t give in. He was SO tired, stones to bread would’ve been an easy way out of things. 

theprodigalsaint: He knew that there are greater things than just this fleshly body we’re bound in. He knew He had a higher purpose to fulfill: to bring You glory and to overcome sin and death. Turning stones to bread would not accomplish anything, in terms of His mission. That action won’t glorify You. Besides, if He were to do that, He’s be obeying and pleasing Satan — He knew what You want. He had the power in Him, but He knew you won’t allow Him too, why? Because there’s no purpose to it.

God: Sounds familiar?

theprodigalsaint: There are a LOT of things I know You can give me, I know I can do, and I know I can get — But I have to always trust in Your plan and focus on being goal oriented.

God: Goal oriented?

theprodigalsaint: Focused on one goal, and one goal alone, doing only things that please You. 

God: I think I’ve already told you that sometime ago, right?

theprodigalsaint: Yup. It went something like: There really is no such thing as right and wrong — only what pleases and displeases God — You.

God: There’s something else…

theprodigalsaint: hmm?

God: Son, I want you to be like Me. More and more like Me — like Jesus. He held on to My word, never let go. I  kept playing that line in your head to remind you that YOU ARE CAPABLE of doing what I did when I was on earth — be FOCUSED! Son, I don’t want you to just remember My words in times of temptation — I want you to be able to focus on My word in EVERYTHING. You need Me, you know that. And I want to help you too, and this is My way of telling you how. Stick close to Me, walk with Me — ALWAYS. Always means ALWAYS, right?

theprodigalsaint: I haven’t been giving much thought to what You want for everything, have I?

God: Mm-hmm,

theprodigalsaint: And that lead to a very slow but constant drift away from You. Slowly, yet definitely surely, I was making decisions on my own, focusing on things I want. Not that I was focusing on huge decisions, but just things like how to spend my afternoon, where to eat for lunch, what to eat for dinner, how to talk with my friends, how to deal with classmates, how to act on the bus, how to… etcetcetc. The more I got used to mundane things and mundane decisions made everyday — the more callous I became to You. When the time came that I needed to cling to You and let go of what I want and focus on what You want, I was already too used to listening to myself.

God: So what do you plan to do now?

theprodigalsaint: Pray, ask, and focus — I mean, just ask.

God: Ask?

theprodigalsaint: Ask for Your help and Your empowerment — that I may be focused. I cannot do all these on my own, I am too weak. BUT! There is power in You. 🙂

God: *chuckles* I love you, son.

theprodigalsaint: and I couldn’t be happier >:D< Love you too!


P.S. Here’s the song, thanks to Google, I finally found out what song it was!

Lead Me to the Cross — Hillsongs

For the past few weeks, my devotions have been taking me on a journey through the Old Testament. (I just finished GENESIS! YEY.) Thing is, I realized, there were SO many things I never knew about Jacob, Judah, Joseph, Abraham, Isaac, etc.

See, when Sunday school teachers teach you (you in your Elementary days) about the lives of these people, they DO not include the ff.:

1. Lot and his daughters (Gen. 19: 30-36)

Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab; he is the father of the Moabites of today. The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the Ammonites of today.

2. God actually saying that Jacob would be greater than Esau before Jacob deceived him and his father. (Gen. 25:23)

The LORD said to her,

“Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.”

3. Commotion between Rachel and Leah, Jacob’s wives. (Gen. 29:31-30:24)

*how they were bickering about who was loved more, how they plotted to be the “most loved,” pleaded with God for children after children, etc.

4. Judah’s first born son dying because of his wickedness. (Gen. 38:7)

 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death.

5. Onan’s, Judah’s second son, wickedness and his punishment. (Gen. 38:9-10)

But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death also.

6. Judah and her daughter-in-law. (Gen. 38:13-27)

*him sleeping with her, her pretending to be a prostitute, him not following their customs, etc.

These are just some of the things I had to read through TWICE to check if I was reading the right thing. (There were even somethings with Jacob and his dealings with his uncle Laban, Abraham and his wives, Noah and his life after the flood, Laban and his tricks — and basically anything and everything that has to do with human deception and imperfections.) If I were to put down all of them, you won’t even care to read through them — it’s going to be way too long.

Of course, the first thing I did when I encountered these was to PRAY. I was lost. I didn’t understand why these would even be recorded, why these were even significant, let alone allowed (in the loose sense of the word.) So I kept asking, and this was what I got:

Son, I am the Alpha and the Omega — I am not bound by anything, especially not by the actions and humanity of My creation. My will has been set way before any of these people even knew who I am. My understanding of things, you will never grasp. Son, all these I’ve placed in My Bible to show you how MY WILL WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL. 

I have great plans for My creations, for people, for you. But of course, you don’t always obey Me. You have your own wills, and I respect that. However, do not for a second even think that your decisions, and your plans, will ever be able to mess up My grand design. Son, everything is still in My control — everything would work out for My glory.

I don’t expect you to be able to comprehend adding all these together — My will, My perfect plan and Sovereignty, your actions, your desires, your sins, the consequences of your sins, the over-all effect of My design, and your individual lives — and have them work together in harmony, a harmony that only I can orchestrate. It’s not that I need your actions to fulfill My plan, it’s that My plan is fulfilled IN SPITE OF your actions.

I did not call you to try and understand Me. I called you to be My saint, to have FAITH in Me.

The world has tons and tons of definition of what FAITH is, for me, it’s but one thing: trusting in what I do not understand. As Hebrews 11:1 puts it,

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Sure, I don’t understand, but one thing I know: He IS IN CONTROL. His sovereignty CANNOT be affected by our humanity. 

“Son, I’ve been telling you. You are not meant to confront temptations HEAD ON. As much as My salvation for you is complete and victorious — you still are in this world. Yes, you are a saint, you are My saint. But as you know, even as a saint, you still are HUMAN. Son, part of your humanity is your sinful nature. I’ve freed you from it, but I do not offer instantaneous change. You need to learn.What good is your perfection if you did not learn from the process?

I want you to learn, I want you to change, but I do not want robots. Son, you of all people should know how good having someone love you feels like. I want OBEDIENCE OUT OF LOVE. I do not need machines that I can program and reset when they mess up. I want people who would follow Me, choose to obey Me, and hold on to Me.

You, My son, are a saint. I’ve set you apart from the world to be ambassadors of My love on earth. And son, how do you expect to do that when you keep falling? I am not expecting you to be perfect, I know your limitations, and I know how to test you. Every time you encounter temptation, I provide a way out.

Son, I give fire exits to burning buildings, not portal guns that can zap you places. I need you to make the conscious effort of FLEEING. No son, a burning building cannot be salvaged by cans of fire extinguishers, you have to flee from it — you are not equipped to fight it. Your sinful nature always keeps you vulnerable to being tempted; however, My grace is sufficient for you. Turn to Me, I can help you. I’m the fire fighter that rushed to climb the burning inferno of a building you’re trapped in to save you. Just choose to take my hand and let’s go. No, no, no. How many times do I have to tell you? Stop trying to fight the flames. You cannot win, not at your current state. You are not equipped, nor trained, to fight flames of this intensity. Listen to Me, My child, flee.

Son, you will always be tempted. You cannot just sit around all day and hope to not encounter any. The devil is like a roaring lion, seeking those he can devour. Don’t be sitting duck! Flee at the sight of him! In cases like these, fleeing is not cowardly, it’s wise. Sure, in severe cases, even in the wild, some prey gets to overpower their predator. But for the most part, even if they can, they’d much rather run away — it’s safer, more efficient, and saves a lot of trouble. PLUS! It’s a guaranteed safe option for them. If you run, and you get caught — then fight. But if you fight and you realize the opponent’s too strong, can you still run?

Son, being bound by your sinful nature is like swimming with an open wound in shark territory. They will always be able to find you, so keep swimming! Don’t laze around and hope they don’t find you. FLEE! I will never leave you nor forsake you, and your battles can be won with My power. BUT, you have to remember, I am not your guard dog. I am your Father. I will protect you when I need to, BUT, you HAVE TO OBEY ME. Run when I tell you.   I’ve made it clear in a lot of ways in the Bible to flee from temptation, to flee from the devil. Listen to me, child. FLEE!

Look at every time you get caught by temptation because you did not flee and tried to fight when I clearly commanded you to run. Every time that happens, the enemy succeeds in destroying you, your morale, your well-being, etc. What’s worse? I am the only one who can heal you and make you whole again, BUT you feel so dirty and broken that you assume I would not want you anymore! Look at the LIES you’re vulnerable to when you give in to temptation, when you allow the prowling lion to get a hold of you. Son, he is full of hate, he is miserable — and he sees how happy you are in me AND HE WANTS TO DESTROY THAT RELATIONSHIP! Do not, My son, allow him to do that.

Listen to your Father. “

— Love, God

“Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22)

Whatever it is that’s “pulling you away from God,” as a friend of mine once said, never allow it to take over you. Always seek Him, and He will always be there for you to find. And as the verse says, “along with those who call on the Lord” — we can all work together at this, to help each other find our way back to our Father, and to STAY with Him.

In Jesus’s Name, we HAVE victory!

Being a Saint is fun. Imagine being the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, having a direct line to the King of Kings, having authority in Jesus’ name, and being loved by Him who is LOVE himself. What joy right?

One thing about being a saint though? We are still humans. Our mortality means we fail and we fall at times — which explains the existence of prodigal saints who are finding their way back. To be human means to have imperfections, and to be imperfect, means waiting until we’re completely changed. The change, however, takes a LONG time. It may be a sure thing that we will be made perfect (Philippians 1:6), but that doesn’t change the fact that it has to take time.

I have to admit, it’s TIRING (to say the least) to be waiting. Waiting for answered prayers, waiting for directions, for guidance, etc. Patience isn’t really something our humanity came with. But when God says wait, we HAVE to wait.

Good things come to those who wait. Take Esau for example, he was impatient and chose immediate gratification over something more significant. (Here’s a post about Esau)

Who else?

I. Noah waited 600 years before God called him to do something. (Genesis 7:6) The bible says:

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. (Genesis 6:9)

So imagine, he was 600 years old when the flood came (Genesis 7:6), and he was chosen to be saved because he was seen as “righteous and blameless” — that meant HE WALKED FAITHFULLY WITH GOD FOR 600 YEARS! For 600 years he was patiently walking with God and obeying everything he was told!

LESSON 1: How dare I ask God for immediate answers and instructions, when I’ve only been waking with Him for 19 years (minus, probably, the years before I started talking)? Not to mention the fact that even with just 19 years, as compared to Noah’s 600, I don’t think I can be called “faithful” — let alone “righteous and blameless!” He’ll give me further instructions when I’m ready. God makes us wait until we’re ready.

II. Another person we could look at is Abraham.

Abraham was promised something awesome by God:

“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.” (Genesis 12:2)

“I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted” (Genesis 13:16)

God promised him children, and COUNTLESS children too! But God did not say when. So as we all know, he got his son when he was 100 years old! (Genesis 21:5) He had to wait till he was 100 before he was given a SON!

LESSON 2: God makes us wait to let us learn to trust in Him and have FAITH in His faithfulness. God promised Abraham to be a great nation, meaning a LOT of descendants, but he had to wait till he was a hundred before he even got one! In Genesis 15: 2-3 Abraham actually complains about not having a son. But also in that same chapter? God reassured him that He will be having children (Genesis 15:5) And what was Abraham’s response?

“Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6)

From then on, Abraham knew better, and up to today, we know him as “The Father of Faith.”

III. Let’s not forget Jacob.

He too was promised to blessed by God in a dream — riches and descendants. (Genesis 28: 10-15) So for that, he obviously needed a family: a wife, property, and some kids. All of which he actually got ONLY after working for his uncle for 20years (and occasionally being deceived by him too).

LESSON 3: God makes us wait for us to trust Him, that in spite of our humanity (or others’ humanity) His promises will still prevail. He is above everything, His sovereignty cannot be impeded by anything and/or anyone! Jacob had to work hard under his uncle, and even got tricked and accused, but in the end God’s promise still held true.

IV. Lastly, we can look at Joseph.

Talk about a tragic life? Joseph had it all. At 17 he saw dreams of his brothers and parents bowing to him — a vision from God prophesying his future rule in Egypt (Genesis 37: 1-11). And he only got be ruler when he was 30 years old (Genesis 41:46). Compared to Noah’s 600 years, and Abraham 100 years? 13 years seem like a short wait. However, let’s not forget that in that span of time he: was betrayed by his brothers (Gen. 37:19), sold as a slave (Gen. 37:26-28; Gen. 39:1), accused of rape (Gen. 39:6-19), thrown into jail (Gen. 39:20), and forgotten (for a short while at least: Gen. 40:23). But through all of it, God was with him and blessed him. (Gen. 39:2, 5, 20-21, 23).

LESSON 4: God makes us wait to build up our character.If Joseph were to become supreme ruler of Egypt (second only to Pharaoh) when he was 17, he’ll probably be a cocky and prideful ruler. After all, he did seem inconsiderate when he shared his dreams to his brothers. And if he were to become ruler before he was ready, he probably would not be mature enough to forgive his brothers and say:

“And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Gen. 45:5)

“So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.” (Gen. 45:8)

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Gen. 50:20)

In waiting, God teaches us certain things — things we can only learn through waiting; we mature with time and circumstances, God knows that.

Lesson 5: In waiting, we have to strive to be faithful. Noah walked faithfully with God while he waited (Genesis 6:9), and Joseph too, stayed righteous and faithful as he waited for God’s plans to unfold. He worked hard on the things he was entrusted with, he remained faithful to his earthly masters, and he walked closely with God that he had confidence in His power through him (this was especially evident in what he says in Genesis 40:8). As we wait, we too have to be faithful and work on what we’re commanded now, until further instructions.

As Saints, waiting is a part of our journey. These people show us some of the things we can do while we wait and insights on why God would make us wait. But invariably? WE have to make the CONSCIOUS EFFORT to be faithful as we wait — something we can only do as we stay in CONSTANT COMMUNION with HIM.