Faith Made Genuine Ministries

Creating a Genuine Faith in the Hearts of God’s People


Blogger Profile:

Michelle has a fiery passion to see people enter into a genuine faith with Jesus Christ! That passion was born out of her own trials as she survived a broken heart through the losses of all three of her children in the 2nd trimester; a deep, dark depression; and the near destruction of her marriage. In spite of what life threw at her – the relationship Michelle developed with Jesus Christ as a young woman enabled her to experience the power of a Sovereign God. She clings to the promise that Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory (I Peter 1:8).

God has provided Michelle the opportunity to lead Women’s Ministry and share the Good News in Women’s Bible Studies, Retreats, Conferences, Workshops and GriefShare Groups where she eagerly shares with all people, that in spite of this life on earth,…all will be well for them (Isaiah 3:10).

Michelle received her early education through her dad’s retired military career attending schools in Greece, Saudi Arabia and a private boarding school in Switzerland. She recently completed her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management in Christian Leadership from Colorado Christian University. She looks forward to continuing her education, pursuing a Masters in Biblical Counseling to help lead those who are broken in heart and spirit right to Jesus where He is on the edge of His seat waiting to pour His love and healing balm into the hearts of those He created.

After 14 years of marriage, Michelle is completely and utterly in love with her king, Preston Dickens. They live in Las Vegas, Nevada with her sister and brother-in-law; helping to take care of and enjoy their wonderful parents. Preston and Michelle are excited and humbled to serve in their home church at Hope Church, where it is all about relationships!

Blog URL:


Saints! Say hello to my “Momma Mich!” I had the awesome blessing of meeting her when Hope Church Las Vegas came to Vancouver to hold a worship conference. That weekend conference not only reminded me of why I am in the worship ministry and what worship is, it also gave me the chance to meet amazing people simply overflowing with love and grace from God! Momma Mich was one of them. We connected in a very special way; she came to speak about depression and being broken and I WAS in that dark state when I met her! Right then and there, God blessed me with a new mom (who says you can only have one??).  She is a testament of the saying I found somewhere on Facebook: “Broken people make the best healers” (paraphrased and all). She has been through the dark and Jesus has shown her the way out — now, she’s in the ministry of showing that light to people. Nope, she’s no evangelist, she doesn’t convert people — she walks with them and accompanies them as they get to know Christ. One of the many things we SO agree on? It’s that CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION; It’s a LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS!

So Saints, I really urge you to go check out her blog (her whole website actually) and just be encouraged by her stories of pain, triumph, hardships, and most importantly, Love.

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