What are SAINTS?


— and by saints, I mean anyone and EVERYONE who has a relationship with Jesus the Christ 🙂

Hi, I’m theProdigalSaint nice to meet you.

Just like the prodigal son? This saint has been places his Father is not so happy about, and just like the prodigal son, this saint is trying to find his way back.

So what’s this blog all about?

It’s an account of the things this Saint has learned through his journey and communion with his Savior. This saint feels that the love and grace he’s been shown is way too great to keep inside, and what better way to share it than through the internet!  Hoping that the things I post here would be helpful to some people out there struggling to find their way back to their Heavenly Father too; I would be posting as regularly as I can. 

So what can you do here?

Well, you could get encouragement and some guidance through the things I write. Also, I’m praying that God would bless this and eventually turn this into a community of saints sharing their thoughts and struggles as they grow and pray together. Nothing’s impossible with God, right? 

I’ll be posting a whole array of things: from music videos, to devotional materials, to just some thoughts, and even to personal prayers. 

Also, I’ll try my best to set up a system to get thoughts, responses, prayer requests, and just shout outs from all you saints out there. 

God bless and see you around!


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